Welcome to Harmonia

    Official statistics in Romania show that over 95% of the retired people develop social adaptation difficulties when they remain alone. The job of social assistant is at its beginnings and social assistants can offer their expertise to only an insignificant part of the urban population. The social protection system cannot afford such expenses and the improvised solutions do nothing but to create additional worries.

Pensiunea Casa Harmonia

    Harmonia is not what is usually understood by "nursing home", but rather an ideal solution for those remained alone, having the privilege to offer increased care to people who regard their elderly age as an opportunity to enjoy life!

  • Azilul de batrani Harmonia este construit intr-un parc rezidential linistit si bucurandu-se de aer curat si liniste
  • La azilul de batrani Harmonia, cei dragi pot gasi intradevar un refugiu
  • La Casa Harmonia ii asteapta o oaza de liniste unde se pot bucura de senectute


Location Casa Harmonia

    Located in the city of Timisoara, in a residential area, in a non-poluted neighborhood (next to the water plant) and built on a plot of 10.000 sqm, Harmonia pension is a ground + two floors assembly constructed such as to give the impression of a row of houses, the idea of family residence being thus emphasized.


Online Application Form

For further information, please contact us at the following phone number 0758 270501 or at the email address contact@casaharmonia.ro

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